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Road Vehicle Dynamics Problems and Solutions

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Road Vehicle Dynamics Problems and Solutions 2004 Edition, April 13, 2004

Description / Abstract: Preface

Objective of This Book

Road Vehicle Dynamics: Problems and Solutions is a comprehensive supplement to our book, Road Vehicle Dynamics (R-366), which was published by SAE International in 2008. More than 300 example problems and solutions are presented in an organized and systematic manner to offer detailed explanations of complex aspects of this exciting, challenging, and multidisciplinary field.

Road Vehicle Dynamics: Problems and Solutions presents vehicle dynamics methods based on mathematical fundamentals and stresses physical system modeling. The book is organized around the concepts of road vehicle dynamics as they have been developed in the frequency and time domain for an introductory undergraduate or graduate course for engineering students of all disciplines.

Generally speaking, road vehicle dynamics can seem to be a diffi cult subject to understand and learn. Despite the availability of a few textbooks in this fi eld, students continue to remain perplexed because of the outcomes of the numerous conditions that often must be kept in mind and correlated when solving a given problem. In addition, different possible interpretations of the terms used in road vehicle dynamics can contribute to the diffi culties experienced by students.

The main objective of this book is to provide readers with the opportunity to improve their problem-solving skills by using systematic rules of analysis that may be followed in a step-by-step manner. In schools, students often experience diffi culty in understanding and learning road vehicle dynamics for the following reasons:

• No systematic rules of analysis that may be followed in a step-by-step manner have been formulated or developed to find solutions to the problems at hand.

• Most available textbooks on the subject usually explain a given principle in an abstract manner, leaving students confused about the application of that principle.

• Too few examples are provided in textbooks, and they often do not provide suffi cient bases for students to solve the problems in their homework assignments or examinations.

• The examples presented in textbooks often are diffi cult to understand.

• Examples often do not include diagrams/graphs, where appropriate.

• Students often spend too many hours solving a single problem, sometimes by simple guesswork or by trial and error.

We believe that road vehicle dynamics is a subject that is best learned by allowing individuals to review on their own the methods of analysis and solution techniques. This method of learning is similar to that practiced in various scientifi c laboratories and in medical fields.

The objective of this book is to introduce individuals from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds to the vast array of problems that are amenable to numerical solution in road vehicle dynamics. Emphasis is placed on application rather than on pure theory, which, although kept to a minimum, is presented in mostly a heuristic and intuitive manner. This is deemed suffi cient for individuals to fully understand the workings, effi ciencies, and shortcomings or failings of each technique. Because we intended this book as a fi rst course on road vehicle dynamics, the concepts have been applied in simple terms, and the solution procedures have been explained in detail.